Excited to work for a key Belgian player in the energy landscape?

The Belgian and European energy landscape is in full swing. Did you know that Elia Belgium plays a crucial role in this? As part of Elia Group, a European transmission system operator, Elia Belgium ensures the reliability and sustainability of the electricity supply in our country.

Side-by-side with your talented colleagues, you will play a part in building a sustainable, green and reliable energy infrastructure that stimulates economic growth and reduces our ecological footprint.

Only together can we make the biggest impact possible! We believe in the power of diversity: we are convinced that an inclusive and diverse work environment leads to more innovation, creativity and better results.

Project Leader Regional Development Plans

Reference ID:  8659



The Project Leader Regional Development Plans will be part of the “Development Plans & LT Portfolio Management” team, that was recently established within Elia’s Grid Development department. The team’s main responsibilities are the centralized project management for preparation of Elia’s various development/investment plans, as well as the management of Elia’s long-term investment portfolio.

As Project Leader Regional Development Plans you fulfill an essential role for Elia and society as a whole, by on the one hand acting as Project Manager for Elia’s Regional Investment Plans, thereby ensuring that these are prepared and approved by the respective authorities on time, and on the other hand by acting as Portfolio Analyst for Elia’s long-term investment portfolio with a horizon beyond 10 years in the future, ensuring a viable portfolio on the long term. You will provide various departments with the necessary inputs on Elia's future long-term portfolio, thereby helping Elia as a company to be ready for its ambitious future investment portfolio, across all departments, on the road to a Net Zero society.

Project management of Regional Investment Plans
The Regional Investment Plans are of the utmost importance for Elia as they serve, together with the Federal Development Plan, as the reference for Elia’s planned grid development. As PPM Investment Plans, you will assume the role of Project Manager for one or more of the following plans:


  • Investeringsplan voor het Vlaams Gewest;
  • Investeringsplan voor het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest / Plan d’Investissements Région Bruxelles-Capitale;
  • Plan d’Adaptation de la Région Wallonne.


Together with the Project Managers of the other regional investment plans and the Federal Development Plan, you ensure consistency between these different plans in terms of content, structure and approach, as well as their perfect coherence with the most recent investment portfolio.
Your main activities include:

  • Define the strategic storyline for the investment plan, in close collaboration with the team lead, the different Grid Development teams and the Management Committee;
  • You'll establish and follow up on governance and reporting structures for close monitoring and coordination of the plan's preparation. As the PPM Investment Plans, you'll coordinate the plan’s Steering Committee, ensuring thorough preparation and efficient decision-making.
  • Define and keep close track of budgets, planning and resources;
  • You'll manage the entire plan preparation process, from project definition to final approval. You ensure timely milestone completion, roadblock identification and mitigation, and stakeholder alignment. This includes guaranteeing that the plan’s content is coherent and exhaustive throughout the entire plan and aligns well with the validated scope.
  • Keep close track of associated risks, stakeholder management and communication, both internal and external;
  • You'll continuously improve investment plan quality by conducting feedback exercises after each plan’s delivery and major milestones. This feedback will be shared with colleagues and major stakeholders, and integrated into future work processes for an improved preparation of future investment plans.
  • Support the GD core team in developing a transversal scenario framework, where ensuring and coordinating alignment of hypotheses with the Distribution System Operators (DSOs) is of crucial importance.

Portfolio analyst for Elia’s long-term investment portfolio
Long-term portfolio management is a new activity that will be introduced within Elia in the coming months, focusing on a more upstream management and validation the long-term (LT) investment portfolio and its needs drivers. This with the aim of enabling more informed ex-ante decision making, thus alleviating remaining mismatches between the portfolio and delivery constraints during short- and mid-term arbitrage.

This new activity requires the set-up of new roles and responsibilities within the company, ranging from the initial validation of needs drivers, monitoring of the portfolio and the creation of feedback loops. While the process is not implemented yet, and its detailed governance, definition and design are currently being discussed, the general description below highlights the responsibilities of the PPM Investment Plans linked to LT portfolio management from the perspective of the Grid Development department:


  • Central collection of the overall portfolio of “investment needs”, in close collaboration with the owners (Grid Developers, Asset Managers, …), and establishment of a system that ensures a continuously up-to-date “needs” portfolio (incl. process definition and tooling integration), in close collaboration with the team lead;
  • Portfolio analysis and steering: quantify the resource implications (in terms of FTEs, materials, CAPEX) of the long-term “needs” portfolio, and benchmark them against the internal and external constraints. As a consequence, analyze different options to align the long-term portfolio with these constraints, including prioritization within the portfolio, in line with the “Interest of Society” and Elia’s strategic objectives;
  • Provide various internal stakeholders with essential information on the size and planning of the resulting LT investment portfolio, and its implications on required resources (financing department, procurement, human resource planners, …);
  • Support the team lead in the set-up and preparation of reporting to management (e.g. dashboarding);
  • Ensure close alignment with the mid- and short-term portfolio managers.


Your Profile


  • You have a degree in civil or industrial engineering, or equivalent by experience;
  • You have about 5 years of working experience, with a proven track record in project management. Experience in portfolio analysis/management is a plus;
  • You have at least a basic knowledge of Elia’s activities and projects and the energy sector as a whole;
  • You enjoy the challenge of a transversal role that involves working with a wide range of different parties. You have experience with complex stakeholder management, and are not afraid of engaging with both internal and external stakeholders;
  • You are assertive with excellent written and oral communication skills. You have a good knowledge of English and are fluent in French or Dutch, with at least a good knowledge of the other language;
  • You are well organized, and rigorous in your way of working, enabling you to manage and respect project deadlines which can be very strict;
  • You engage your projects with a positive and result-oriented attitude and an analytical mindset;
  • You are flexible in managing your workload, while focusing on the right priorities;
  • You can work autonomously and are not afraid of making decisions yourself; you are also capable of distinguishing the essential topics that are to be discussed with management (Steering Committees and other);
  • You strive for excellence in your work, and value continuous improvement.


#Engineering #ProjectManagement #StakeholderManagement #EnergyMarket #ProjectPortfolioManagement



  • Salary: a competitive salary package, allowance for representation expenses, year-end bonus, double vacation pay, meal vouchers (€8 per working day), eco-vouchers, sport & culture vouchers, bonuses based on individual and group results. 
  • Insurance: group insurance, hospitalisation insurance, ambulant care insurance for the whole family and also personal accident insurance. 
  • Vacation: You will be entitled to 20 vacation days and 5 additional vacation days, 6 local days, 4 exempt days (after 1 year of employment) and up to 5 long-service days (1 day for every 3 years in employment). 
  • Social fund: Sinterklaas and year-end vouchers, birth and marriage allowance. We will also cover part of the cost of glasses, a dental prosthesis or similar needs. 
  • Communication: you will be given an iPhone, a phone subscription (for work and private use) and a laptop with internet reimbursement. 
  • Private PC plan: once every 3 years, a budget will be made available to you for a PC/tablet with software & peripherals for personal use. 
  • Discounts: you will enjoy a 30% discount on your gas and electricity bill. 
  • Mobility: we will offer you a company car and public transport or a mobility budget. 
  • Elia shares: Elia will give you the opportunity to subscribe to shares with a discount of 16.66% on the average share price. 



Quai Léon Monnoyer 3, 1000 Brussels 

There’s something electric in the air with this job offer!

In exchange for your work and dedication, you enjoy the following benefits:

A job full of variety with a top employer: Elia encourages innovation and collaboration. Within our company you will be at the forefront of the energy transition, and you will have the chance to contribute to ground-breaking technologies designed to accelerate this transition. It is a one-of-a-kind opportunity to further develop your knowledge and skills.

Focus on personal growth and well-being at work: Discover a wide range of professional training and coaching opportunities that are guaranteed to give your personal growth a solid boost.  At the same time, as a top employer, we put maximum effort into a positive work culture in which your well-being is central.

Development opportunities for a challenging career: At Elia, we encourage you to seek out and seize new professional opportunities. You will enjoy complete freedom to shape your career on your own terms.

A diverse team of passionate colleagues: Elia puts a high value on diversity and inclusion. You will join a diverse and passionate team that enjoys sharing knowledge and leading the way towards a more sustainable future together.

These are just a few of the benefits that distinguish Elia as a Top Employer. We are convinced that your contribution to our team will be invaluable and look forward to welcoming you soon!