
Positions for apprentice

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Title Expertise Location
Ausbildung zur Kauffrau für Büromanagement mit Schwerpunkt HR / Teamassistenz (m/w/d) Berlin Corporate Berlin, BE, DE, 10557
Ausbildung zur Industriekauffrau mit Schwerpunkt Einkauf (f/m/d) Berlin Corporate Berlin, BE, DE, 10557
Ausbildung zur Elektronikerin für Betriebstechnik (m/w/d) Regionalzentrum Nord: Güstrow Technicians Güstrow, MV, DE, 18273
Ausbildung zur Elektronikerin für Betriebstechnik (m/w/d) Lübbenau Technicians Lübbenau, BB, DE, 03222
Ausbildung zur Elektronikerin für Betriebstechnik mit Schwerpunkt Leitungstechnik (m/w/d) Lübbenau Technicians Lübbenau, BB, DE, 03222
Ausbildung zur Elektronikerin für Betriebstechnik (m/w/d) Bad Lauchstädt
Ausbildung zur Elektronikerin für Betriebstechnik (m/w/d) Bad Lauchstädt Technicians Goethestadt Bad Lauchstädt, ST, DE, 06246
Technicians Goethestadt Bad Lauchstädt, ST, DE, 06246
Ausbildung zur Elektronikerin für Betriebstechnik (m/w/d) Erfurt Vieselbach
Ausbildung zur Elektronikerin für Betriebstechnik (m/w/d) Erfurt Vieselbach Technicians Erfurt-Vieselbach, Thuringia, DE, 99098
Technicians Erfurt-Vieselbach, Thuringia, DE, 99098
Ausbildung zur Elektronikerin für Betriebstechnik (m/w/d) Regionalzentrum Mitte: Charlottenburg Technicians Berlin, BE, DE, 10589
Ausbildung zur Kauffrau für Büromanagement mit Schwerpunkt Teamassistenz (m/w/d) Berlin Corporate Berlin, BE, DE, 10557
Ausbildung zur Elektronikerin für Betriebstechnik (w/m/d) Röhrsdorf Technicians Chemnitz, SN, DE, 09247
Ausbildung zur Elektronikerin für Betriebstechnik mit Schwerpunkt Leitungstechnik (m/w/d) Röhrsdorf Technicians Chemnitz, SN, DE, 09247


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Germany’s best apprenticeship companies 2020

50Hertz is one of the “best apprenticeship companies in Germany” in 2020 – we received this honor in the context of a study carried out by the business magazine “Capital” in collaboration with the talent platform “”. Read more about this study in the November issue of the magazine and by using the following link:

Which professions does 50Hertz cover with its apprenticeship offer?

This is only decided shortly before the job posting depending on the current needs. However, we usually offer training in the following professions:

At our Berlin site:

  • Office Manager

At selected sites outside Berlin:

  • Industrial Engineer Electrotechnician

What do others like about training at 50Hertz?

  • As transmission system operator 50Hertz is committed to the realization of the energy transition. It is one of the growing, respected and sustainable companies of the energy industry.


  • Practical assignments in this field make trainees fit for the challenging professional tasks of tomorrow and are appreciated beyond the boundaries of company and industry.
  • At 50Hertz, you start with the prospect of at least short-term employment and the option of further qualification (as foreman/supervisor, technician or further studies) after successful completion of your education


  • During the training, 50Hertz works together with competent partners, such as the Academy for Vocational Training in Berlin, Thüringer Energie AG and Avacon Netz GmbH.


  • 50Hertz is large enough to offer you a challenging and professional learning environment and at the same time small enough to receive you personally and give you the feeling that you are useful and can help move the company forward.


  • 50Hertz is responsible for the highest voltage grid on which everything depends regarding the safety and reliability of electricity supply. You can expect interesting and responsible tasks and projects with purpose and added value for society.


  • Trainees at 50Hertz are individually supported by a mentor from the relevant division as well as by the person in charge of vocational training within the company.


  • At 50Hertz, you will find a collegial environment.


  • Trainees at 50Hertz network with the other trainees and dual students throughout the company for regular exchanges, for instance during meetings to this end and regularly organised ‘trainee trips’. You can also contribute to the youth and trainee council of the company.


  • 50Hertz is a company bound by a collective agreement and has a works council. The collectively agreed training allowance of gross 1,045 Euro (1st year), 1,113 Euro (2nd year) and 1,181 Euro (3rd year) as well as the weekly working time of 37 hours are only some of the advantages of our collective agreement.

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  • Important: Please do not use "Search Jobs" on this page before going through the following steps.
  • Please enter how often you would like to be notified (we recommend 3 days) and click "Create Alert".
  • Now you will be asked to log in with your email address and password (or set up a candidate account).
  • With that all done, you will receive your first e-mail notification in a few minutes. You are ready to go.


Where can I work at 50Hertz?


Franziska Gäbel
